Hear The Call!

Apply to get your Brand or Product Sold on EKHO RIDGE

Do You Have A Product That You Think Fits Our Curated Platform?

Your Journey on Ekho Ridge Starts here. Hear the Call is the portal for anyone who wants their unique products on Ekho Ridge Shelves, with Distributors & Online.

These Brands Heard The Call-Maybe Yours Will, Too

Image of a sweater on a hanger
Image of three button-up shirts
Photo of yellow jacket
Photo of a jacket, bag, and shoes
Photo of a stack of shirts with shoes on top

The Application Process

Image of a group of people with arms on each other's shoulders

Step 1: Get the Details

Please read this page carefully, including the FAQs

Image of hands holding a small plant in soil

Step 2: How to Apply

Use the button below to submit a video and application explaining your product or brand.

Image of people donating food to a charity

Step 3: Our Decision & Next Steps

You will be contacted within eight weeks of submitting your application.

What We're Looking For...

We Seek Local, Unique, Custom Brands. Adventure Driven, Outdoors Minded, Innovative Products. And More-Surprise Us!

Frequently Asked Questions

When Are Hear The Call Applications Due?

Applications can be submitted at any time (there's no due date) and if the application portal is ever unavailable without explanation, rest assured the outage is temporary and most lkely due to technical updates.

What Should The Video Include? Is There An Example?

Although we can’t share a pitch video example, we can share some tips. Your video doesn’t have to be professionally produced—using your cell phone is fine! We care about seeing your product and hearing your story. Remember to keep your video under three minutes long. Upload it to a location where we can access and view, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, or your company website. Please make sure your video is viewable without a password (not password-protected) and that the link URL works. If the video link doesn’t work or we can’t view the video because it’s password-protected, we will use other elements of your application to make our decision.

How Can I Get Product Attachments (Cataloges,Pictures etc.) To You?

Right now, We recommend using the pitch video to share any images. Once your application is reviewed, our merchandising team will be in contact if they’re interested in meeting to learn more. If so, you’ll have a chance to share additional materials.

My Product Fits Into Several Categories. Should I Do Multiple Applications?

Please only submit your application once. If the merchant responsible for the one category you selected isn’t interested, but they think another category might be a better fit, they will share your application with the appropriate merchandiser(s).

Did You Get My Application? When & How Will I Hear Back? Can I Check My Application Status?

If you got a confirmation email from us after you applied, you'll know we received your application. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email it means your application didn't submit properly or there was an issue with the email address you provided. Be sure to check your email spam folder! At this time, there’s no way for applicants to track or check the status of a submitted application.

I Applied But I Haven't Heard Back. Is It Still Being Considered? Can I Re-Apply In The Future?

Depending on application volume, it may take up to 8 weeks to hear from us regarding your application. We know you're anxious to hear back—thank you for your patience. As for re-applying after a "No, Thank You," unless a significant change has occurred with your product and/or market readiness, we recommend waiting at least a full calendar year before considering applying again. If you've received two declines over the course of a couple of years, your product just might not be the right fit for Ekho Ridge.

What Is The Review Process? If Accepted, What's Next? Does That Guarantee My Product Will Be Sold At EKHO RIDGE?

Every application is reviewed by the merchant responsible for the category you self-select in the application. Every application receives a response. If it seems like a fit, we'll invite you to an interview to kick off the full product review process. There is no guarantee your product will be sold at EKHO RIDGE.